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Top 3 B2B lead generation strategies and their PROBLEMS

B2B lead generation strategies


Welcome to our blog where we break down the key B2B lead generation strategies and talk about the problems that often come with them. In the world of business-to-business dealings, finding the right ways to attract potential clients is crucial for lasting success. 

In this blog, we're going to explore the top three lead generation strategies, looking at what makes them effective and uncovering the common issues businesses face when using them. 

Lead generation strategies are methods and approaches businesses use to identify and attract potential clients in the business-to-business (B2B) space. These tactics aim to initiate and nurture relationships with other businesses, ultimately driving interest, engagement, and conversion to achieve sustained growth and success.

We want to make it easier for companies to understand and tackle the challenges of getting new clients. So, let's dive in together and take a closer look at the world of B2B lead generation, discussing both the solutions and the hurdles that come with it.

Lead Generation Marketing and Its Working Principle

Lead generation marketing is a strategic approach aimed at identifying and attracting potential customers or clients for a business. The primary goal is to generate interest and capture the attention of individuals or organizations who may have a genuine need for the products or services offered. 

The process involves initiating connections and nurturing relationships with the aim of converting these potential leads into customers. Here's how lead generation marketing works:

Identification of Target Audience:

Determine the specific demographics, characteristics, and needs of the target audience that align with the business's offerings.

Creation of Compelling Content:

Develop valuable and relevant content that addresses the pain points and interests of the target audience which is one of the benefit of using verified leads. 

This content could take the form of blog posts, articles, infographics, webinars, or downloadable resources.

Utilization of Various Channels:

Employ multiple marketing channels to reach the target audience. 

This can include social media platforms, email campaigns, search engine optimization (SEO), webinars, and other online or offline avenues.

Call-to-Action (CTA):

Include clear and enticing calls-to-action in the marketing materials to prompt the audience to take a specific action, such as filling out a form, subscribing to a newsletter, or requesting more information to get the benefit of using verified leads.

Capture and Store Information:

Collect information from interested individuals, such as their names, email addresses, or company details. 

This information is crucial for further communication and lead nurturing.

B2B Lead Generation and Their Types

B2B lead generation is the process of identifying and attracting potential business customers or clients with the aim of initiating business relationships and converting them into qualified leads. This strategic approach involves creating interest and capturing the attention of other businesses through various marketing tactics. 

The benefit of using verified leads is to move prospects through the sales funnel, nurturing them until they become customers. Here are some key aspects of B2B lead generation:

Types of B2B Lead Generation:

Content Marketing:

Description: Providing valuable and relevant content to attract and engage potential B2B clients.


  • Blogs

  • Whitepapers

  • Webinars

  • Infographics


  • Establishes industry authority.

  • Educates and informs potential clients.

Email Marketing Campaigns:

Description: Utilizing email to communicate with and nurture potential B2B leads.


  • Drip campaigns

  • Newsletters

  • Product updates

  • Promotional offers


  • Direct communication with prospects.

  • Personalized and targeted messaging.

Social Media Marketing:

Description: Leveraging social media platforms to reach and engage B2B audiences.


  • LinkedIn networking

  • Twitter campaigns

  • Facebook advertising

  • Industry-specific groups


  • Building relationships on professional platforms.

  • Expanding reach through viral sharing.

Now, let us dive into the strategies of B2B lead generation and their problems along with the SOLUTIONS.

Strategy 1: Content Marketing

Lack of Targeted Reach:

  • Problem: Content may not reach the intended B2B audience, leading to ineffective lead generation.

  • Solution: Conduct thorough research to understand the target audience, create content tailored to their needs, and use targeted distribution channels.

Content Overload:

  • Problem: The abundance of online content can cause information overload, making it challenging for B2B prospects to notice and engage.

  • Solution: Focus on creating high-quality, concise content that addresses specific pain points, ensuring it stands out amid the digital noise.

Inconsistent Lead Nurturing:

  • Problem: Inadequate follow-up strategies after content consumption may result in lost opportunities for lead conversion.

  • Solution: Implement an effective lead nurturing process that includes personalized email campaigns, webinars, or downloadable resources to guide prospects through the journey.

Measuring ROI Challenges:

  • Problem: Determining the return on investment (ROI) for content marketing efforts can be complex and challenging.

  • Solution: Implement analytics tools to track engagement, conversion rates, and other key performance indicators, providing insights into the effectiveness of the content marketing strategy.

Limited Visibility:

  • Problem: Content may not reach a wide audience, limiting its impact.

  • Solution: Promote content across various platforms, including social media and industry forums, to enhance visibility and attract a broader audience.

Inconsistent Quality:

  • Problem: Irregular production of content can lead to fluctuations in quality and relevance.

  • Solution: Establish a content calendar with consistent posting schedules, ensuring a steady flow of high-quality, relevant material.

Overlooking SEO Optimization:

  • Problem: Content may not be optimized for search engines, hindering discoverability.

  • Solution: Conduct keyword research and incorporate relevant terms in content. Regularly update and optimize content for search engine algorithms.

Failure to Capture Leads:

  • Problem: Content may not effectively capture leads or initiate the lead generation process.

  • Solution: Include clear calls-to-action (CTAs) in content, guiding readers on the next steps and encouraging them to provide contact information.

Lack of Personalization:

  • Problem: Generic content may fail to resonate with diverse B2B audiences.

  • Solution: Tailor content to address specific industry challenges and personalize messaging to cater to the unique needs of different businesses.

Strategy 2: LinkedIn Networking

Limited Visibility:


  • Restricted visibility on LinkedIn can hinder reaching a broader B2B audience, limiting the effectiveness of lead generation efforts.


  • Actively participate in industry groups, share valuable content, and utilize targeted keywords to enhance visibility and expand the network.

Ineffective Connection Requests:


  • Generic or uninspiring connection requests may be ignored, diminishing the potential for meaningful connections and lead generation.


  • Personalize connection requests by expressing genuine interest, highlighting shared interests or experiences, and explaining the potential mutual benefits to improve connection acceptance rates.

Overlooking Relationship Building:


  • Focusing solely on immediate lead generation goals may lead to neglecting long-term relationship-building efforts on LinkedIn.


  • Invest time in nurturing relationships, engaging in conversations, and offering assistance to build trust and credibility throughout the lead generation process.

Time-Intensive Engagement:


  • Actively engaging with connections on LinkedIn can be time-consuming, especially without a streamlined approach, impacting the efficiency of lead generation efforts.


  • Develop a structured engagement plan, allocate specific time slots for interactions, and use tools like scheduling apps to manage and optimize engagement efforts in the process of lead generation.

Strategy 3: Email Marketing Campaigns 

  • Problem: B2B email campaigns often face low open rates, with recipients overlooking or dismissing messages.

  • Solution: Craft compelling subject lines, personalize emails, and send messages at optimal times to increase open rates during the process of lead generation.

  • Problem: B2B recipients may unsubscribe due to irrelevant or frequent emails, impacting the long-term effectiveness of email campaigns.

  • Solution: Segment email lists based on preferences, tailor content to specific segments, and provide clear options for subscription preferences to reduce unsubscribe rates.

  • Problem: Overly promotional or irrelevant content can lead recipients to mark emails as spam, harming sender reputation and deliverability.

  • Solution: Ensure content relevance, use clear opt-in processes, and regularly clean email lists to maintain a positive sender reputation and prevent spam marking.

  • Problem: B2B emails may struggle to engage recipients, resulting in low click-through rates and reduced effectiveness in the lead generation process.

  • Solution: Create compelling and valuable content, utilize concise and visually appealing formats, and include clear calls-to-action to encourage engagement and clicks.

  • Problem: Email campaigns may fall short in nurturing leads through the sales funnel, leading to missed opportunities for conversion.

  • Solution: Implement automated drip campaigns, tailor content based on lead behavior, and incorporate personalized follow-up emails to effectively nurture leads throughout the process of lead generation.

  • Problem: Inaccurate or outdated contact information can result in emails not reaching their intended recipients, impacting the success of B2B email campaigns.

  • Solution: Regularly update and validate contact databases, implement data verification processes, and encourage recipients to provide updated information to improve the accuracy of email lists.

  • Problem: Determining the return on investment (ROI) for email campaigns can be challenging, hindering the ability to assess their effectiveness.

  • Solution: Utilize email marketing analytics tools to track key performance indicators such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, providing insights into the ROI of email campaigns in the lead generation process.

Final Thoughts

To sum it up, understanding and using B2B lead generation strategies can be a bit tricky. We looked at the top three methods - content marketing, LinkedIn networking, and email campaigns. 

But, guess what? There are challenges. Getting your content seen, making connections on LinkedIn, and getting emails to work well can be tough. 

Despite these challenges, it's super important to keep improving and finding solutions. This way, businesses can keep growing and making meaningful connections with other businesses. 

So, even though there are hurdles, sticking with it and making changes when needed can really pay off in the world of lead generation strategies.

EMarketz is a leading B2B lead generation agency in India that provides comprehensive assistance to businesses in generating targeted and qualified leads in B2B and B2C markets. 

They offer a range of services, including AI-driven lead generation, appointment setting, inbound marketing, and pay-per-lead services. Their team of experienced professionals has extensive experience in digital marketing, enabling them to provide customized solutions to businesses of all sizes.

EMarketz’s AI-driven lead generation services use advanced algorithms to generate high-quality leads in a shorter time. They also offer virtual sales teams to help businesses ramp up their sales efforts.

Their technical services team provides optimization services to drive relevant traffic to the website.’s marketing collaterals are designed to help potential customers convert into buyers and attract audiences from a distance with innovative ideas.


What is Lead Generation Service?

   - A service that helps businesses find and attract potential customers.

What is Lead Generation Marketing?

   - The strategic approach of attracting and identifying potential customers for a business.

What is the marketing process of lead generation?

   - Identifying target audiences, creating compelling content, using various channels, capturing information, nurturing leads, and optimizing strategies.

What is the process of lead generation?

   - The systematic steps involved in identifying, attracting, and converting potential customers into leads.

How lead generation works?

   - By understanding the target audience, creating engaging content, reaching out through different channels, capturing information, nurturing leads, and continually improving strategies for success.


Category : B2B Leads
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